what we believe

our mission

We are here with you along your journey as the amazing beautiful human being that you are. Sometimes we need a little guidance as we traverse through this world. Just Breathe Physical Therapy and Wellness is your one stop shop for wellness and guidance around your bowel, bladder and sexual health. We believe that everyone deserves to poop like a champ, pee without issues and have the sex life (whatever that means for you!) that makes you feel empowered

Just Breathe Physical Therapy, PLLC was founded in Chicago, IL by Dr. Sarahann Callaway, PT, OCS ( pronouns: she/her). Having worked in the outpatient hospital setting for almost 10 years with pelvic patients Sarahann realized there needed to be more of a journey based thought process and wellness perspective vs “Fixing” patients based on a insurance code thus Just Breathe was created!

Sarahann graduated from Belmont University with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2012. She moved around the country for a bit and then settled in Chicago, Illinois for about 7 years where she began pursuing her CAPP certification (Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy). During that time she also pursued her board certification in orthopedics and became a board certified clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy. Fast forward 10 years with a few more initials behind her name, she realized everyone’s health journey is their own and needs to “fixing” so during the pandemic she created Just Breathe as an avenue to collaborate and coach people in the wellness arena without the overlords of insurance telling her what do based on an algorithm. She moved back east about 2 years and has settled in Wynnewood, PA. Her goal is to guide anyone with a pelvis along their wellness journey to be the most empowered person they can be :) She is here for YOU! Cheers to great poops, easy pees, and great sex however you like it!
